
Showing posts from August, 2022

Dealing with the little foxes?

Song of Solomon 2:15 "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes." What exactly are little foxes? As used in the context above it does not literally mean foxes, the context is just applying literature. Little foxes are minor faults, secret sin, small sin, lying tongue, unforgiveness, lust, jealousy, pride, impurity, unconfessed sins, delayed restitution, a little worldly association that draws the heart away from God, a little ill-temper, a little covetousness that leads to stealing, little prayerlessness, leading to self-management and spiritual blindness e.t.c. People don't often pay attention to these things but their result is very predictable and bad. From the nature of foxes, they are animals from the dog family, they are clever and cunny animals, they usually walk in groups, they do not go out for food in the daytime, but wait till it gets dark. They eat plants of different kinds; sometimes roots, and at other times