
Showing posts from April, 2024


  Hello fam! Thank God it's Friday!😁😌 It is quite surprising that I have not been hearing 'April fool' often even though we are in the month of April, I guess everyone is busy with life 😂 On a serious note, I am sure you have heard this statement 'life no balance' People say this when things get tough and rough especially when it is so messed up like there is no solution, sometimes when things don't go according to plan or schedule. People say it for different reasons in different times however there is one general cause for this statement. And that is all summed up in one word ' PURPOSE '. Looks like a big complex thing but it is actually not that complex. Don't get me wrong now, everyone has a big purpose on this earth but that big purposes has been simplified into days, weeks, months and years. Each individual has one purpose. Once an individual finds that purpose backed up with vision then such person finds peace and fulfilment. You are not


  Hello fam!  How is your day going? Today's topic is an interesting one because the truth is a topic many don't like to talk about, some say the truth is bitter and yes! many times it is difficult to express the truth in some situations. You will agree with me that it is easier to go for lies under pressure.  By the way this blog should have been out few weeks back but I had some challenges publishing it.  So before we journey further, what does it mean to lie? In any case whatsoever; lying is presenting falsehood. Many people find it easy and some use it as a way of wisdom, some even beautify this act by giving it names like: white lie Is lying bad? To answer this question you first have to understand that the truth beyond an act of integrity and honesty it is a person. Yes! The truth is a person.  Jesus speaking in John 14:6 introduces himself as the truth. If the truth is a person then surely lie too should have its identity right? 🤔 Let's check it out: John 8:44 giv