
Showing posts from February, 2021


  What makes you you? You are a production of the word of God, created for a purpose, in his image and positioned in a place called destiny. Once you understand this mystery you will walk with God given vision . God given vision is the suppose pattern God has laid for the life of a person. This pattern is conditional in the sense that a person can live out of this pattern and create his own pattern. That is why the word of God says " without a vision the people perish " Being out of God pattern brings extinction. Quickly we will be viewing some patterns of God and patterns of men. 1. The plan of God for everyman is to be like him:- That is why we were made in his image. God Almighty is the king of Kings he has Supreme Dominion. That is why man has Dominion over all the animals in this earth. That is why God specifically said " you will be the head and not the tail" . When God said " you will be the end and not the tail"  it came with a condition and


 Fear is not from God, Fear makes you feel timid. What ever thing it is that you are scared of : you come under the authority of that thing. Fear keeps you stagnant because a fearful person is scared of moving backward or forward.  Fear are in categories. Fear can be an act of reference like " the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom". That is just the positive aspect of it.  Some people this days pray to God and yet are scared of the devil.  The devil is powerful no doubt, but it's power is no where to be compared to the almighty God.  The reality of prayer is - as you pray with all sincerity from your heart consistently it changes you.  Prayer does not change God it changes you in such a way that you are transformed to be like God.  In this level the devil become scared of you. Many people do not know this.  The devil is a thief and a destroyer. What he does is: he try to steal your time with so much activity so you don't pray.  He knows that many people are not


 Hi! How are you doing? 😊 Let me tell you something you already know God loves you so much and he wants the best for you  ALWAYS God has plans for our individual lives : his plan is to give us a balanced life.  Then what causes an imbalance life? An imbalance life is caused by our plans and decisions which are  not usually God's plan.  The moment we decide to live outside what God wants for us then - life will not be balance.  The human mind and thought contradicts God's mind and thought for us.  A story will illustrate the whole thing better :- A man was traveling to a far city for an appointment given to him in his place of work. How he performed in this appointment will determine his promotion. His monthly salary is #100, 000 he had five children and the youngest of them is 17 years old. His salary was not enough at all, if this appointment work out he would get weekly allowance of #50, 000 and monthly salary of #300, 000. Before he went to the appointment he was prayed


  Good day legend! Trust you are doing great?   In a generation there is this person or people who can't just  be forgotten. Because of their records and their incredible impact. In the other hand, they are people who have been forgetten whose history cannot be properly traced. Why? This is what we will be looking into today , the legend in you will be activated as you read along . Now back to the question: "why?" It is because their choice of decisions. The difference between a legend and a mean man is their choice of decision. When a man is born he is innocent and ignorant of happenings in his/her  surroundings . As time goes he grows to be knowledgeable and given  something very powerful. He is given the power to make decisions. Those decisions will either build him or destroy him. No matter how small the decisions are. God gave man the power to make decisions so that he can be responsible for his own actions. One characteristic about God  is: he is very humble t