
How are you doing? 😊

Let me tell you something you already know God loves you so much and he wants the best for you  ALWAYS

God has plans for our individual lives : his plan is to give us a balanced life. 

Then what causes an imbalance life? An imbalance life is caused by our plans and decisions which are  not usually God's plan. 

The moment we decide to live outside what God wants for us then - life will not be balance. 

The human mind and thought contradicts God's mind and thought for us. 

A story will illustrate the whole thing better :-

A man was traveling to a far city for an appointment given to him in his place of work.
How he performed in this appointment will determine his promotion. His monthly salary is #100, 000 he had five children and the youngest of them is 17 years old.

His salary was not enough at all, if this appointment work out he would get weekly allowance of #50, 000 and monthly salary of #300, 000.

Before he went to the appointment he was prayed for by his pastor for success of the appointment.

Finally he got there and he sat down patiently. He was expecting something big since it will lead to greater income. But he was told that "the appointment is just question and answer" He smiled with Joy.

He was asked his name, age and working experience. And he gave the sincere answer with much assurance of winning this appointment.

Then, the final question came: this question came with a condition. He was told this before the question "we don't know how much you earn as your monthly salary but we were told that you were chosen because you are a man of integrity.

We won't award the appointment to you if your salary is less than #150, 000. This is so because what we are about to offer is something big and  of high value."

At this point his heart was beating hard. Then the last  question hit him hard on his face -  " How much do you earn on a monthly  basis? "

He had two option to lie or say the truth. Something inside him told him to" say the exact amount he earned on a daily basis" and another thing inside him was telling him that "he would go back to back to square 1"

At that point the devil and the angels were awaiting his decision just like they were watching a football match.

And just then he lied out of desperation that he was earning #150, 000. The moment he lied the angles some certain amount of glory left him and the devil rejoiced for deceiving another victim successfully.

He won the appointment and went back to work rejoicing but, he felt a little drop of sadness he never knew why. He was given an envelope to give to his boss and he was told never to open it. The boss knew the envelope contained the result of the appointment, only the boss could approve his new salary.

Inside the envelope was a huge capital letter word  "FAILED". The boss understood and he  amazed and disappointed. To cut the long story short The man lost his Job and salary.

Here is a secret :-

God's instructions sounds absurd to the human mind but inside it is a tremendous amount of blessing, success, promotion, miracles, health, joy, wealth, Health and many more.

Don't fall for the enticing lies of the devil. When God told Abraham to give Isaac it sounds foolish to do but because he obeyed that is what made Abraham father of many nation. Be wise, God knows more than you do!

Thanks for taking your time to read through, do well to drop your comment, follow and share. See you next week Friday. Remember God loves you and he wants the best for you. See yaa! 😇Byeeeee👋👋👋👋👋


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