
Showing posts from March, 2021


 Who are you today?, who do you want to be tomorrow?, Does it look alike? Answer these questions sincerely and check yourself carefully. It is a difficult and painful thing to start creating the picture for tomorrow tomorrow. If you don't know the life you are living now is  a story called legacy then you have to know now. Because every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year and every decision will one day be a story for others to hear and learn from or run from.  Everybody is an author or a chracter in this world, you don't believe that? I will prove it to you. God gave everybody a purpose to be be something relevant which is called destiny. But this destiny can be ignored, God has already given you a story and the story God has prepared is a great and beautiful one but, we can live out of it with our choices and decisions. When you live in the purpose of God you are playing the character of greatness.  When you decide to follow what you want not caring what God wants fo


  This is the road that leads to consistent growth, you can't tread two parts at the same time you have to choose one. It is good to dream big but, big things start small, remember that a drop of water can make a mighty ocean. When you have a dream(which is essential) to achieve it requires daily goals. When you rush and your are not patient towards a particular destination the result is that you might never get there. It agress with a popular saying " slow and steady wins the race " So don't kill yourself with the burden of tomorrow. You can't start today and become great today, there is a process to it. Great men build in secret. There is a process to greatness and that process is the time when you stay at the background. It is a time where you are small and unknown. It is the growing process. I want to encourage you to never back out because of pressure. Don't stop because you are going though some challanges. In life things get tough. " when the to


  Passion according to Meriam Webster dictionary is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept What you will become in life is your destiny, some can say it is your fate. However passion and destiny work hand in hand, how does passion and destiny work together? It is simple, You are a product of your daily commitment. Indeed everyman has a God  given destiny, and this destiny is a sure way to greatness and comfort in life. Then, why is it that some people are not on that way? It is because they are driven by the wrong passion, and they are committed to the wrong things. People call a wine away of time a wasted time , It is not just a wasted time, it is a wasted life. Believe me or not time is life. If you can commit good things Into your time for a day(24 hours) consistently your life will be more productive. Are you frustrated by your life and you are fed up of everything? All you may have do is just to reschedule your time well on productive


Many people are stagnant where they are once they get to a certain position. They get comfortable and they relax as though they is nothing more to be offered by them. There is always a better you. Than the current version of yourself. A peom I wrote illustrate this👇 A BETTER ME. There is always a better me, If I can go strive a little harder, If I can grow in time, If I can give up my comfort zone. I may be good now, But there is a better me, I may be better now, There is still a better me called: 'best' I will not relax because of success, I will not give up because of failing, I will not get tired of sacrifice, Because a better me awaits it's manifestation. There is a better you, If you don't quit, If you  don't relax, If you don't get tired. By : David Friday                                                                                                             Success sometimes is a killer, because it is like a big cloud covering a