
Showing posts from May, 2021


  Growing up I have been hearing this statement - Age is just a number  from both young and old, in the movies, conversations, TV shows and so on. Something within me just strongly disagree with this statement and I wondered within myself is age really just a number? because of this I began to make enquiries about this statement. I discovered that some were saying it based on its context for example age is not a determinant of wealth, wisdom and achievements.  Some say age is just a number because they see young people achieve great things that some people old enough to be their father have not achieved.  Others say it bacause some people see age as a very big thing and even though they have not done much with their lives but want a maximum respect because they are older.  When it comes to the matter of respect : respect is not just a thing of age.  It is not just necessarily about the oldest only it is also about the young ones too.  That is why respect is reciprocal.  The fact that y


 Good day to you dear reader! It is my joy that your beautiful and handsome face on the other side of the screen are reading this. In this life nothing comes free, it does not matter if everybody got it free someone paid a cost to make it free. So everything comes at a cost, if you don't pay the cost you won't get it. The cost at which you get something is referred to as value, only invaluable things are costless. One of my teachers would say "it is not easy to fail" , nobody wants to fail. Failing or succeeding can be determined by which one you are paying the cost for. Today's talk is a life Changing one because it will reflect why we should pay the right cost. When I use the word *cost* I am not referring to money, I am referring to efforts that are sacrificial. It takes a lot of sacrifice and diligence to be the best that is why it is dangerous to  be  brilliant but lazy. Laziness is a terrible thing even if God has blessed a person  with an outstanding wisdom