
Showing posts from November, 2022

Wisdom vs Strength

  What is wisdom?,is it just ability to place the right judgement or is there more to it?, how does a man get wisdom?, who is a wise man? and who is a strong man?, this and many more will be answered in this short reading. Enjoy as you read through.  I have realized that  a man of wisdom is valued in the society, a man of wisdom escapes many trouble and traps set for him. He excels in all his work and maximizes his time.  He increases in knowledge and his understanding is not stagnant either. Wisdom has many interesting definitions like the right sense of judgement...and the likes which are all true but only to an extent. Don't worry "strength" find its way into the discussion😂 True and deep wisdom has its source. Naturally, love births wisdom. Anything you love you develop wisdom towards that thing. If you love cooking for example you will develop wisdom towards cooking.  Since God is love(see 1 John 4:8) then wisdom comes from God. He alone give true wisdom. If God giv