Wisdom vs Strength


What is wisdom?,is it just ability to place the right judgement or is there more to it?, how does a man get wisdom?, who is a wise man? and who is a strong man?, this and many more will be answered in this short reading. Enjoy as you read through. 

I have realized that  a man of wisdom is valued in the society, a man of wisdom escapes many trouble and traps set for him. He excels in all his work and maximizes his time. 

He increases in knowledge and his understanding is not stagnant either. Wisdom has many interesting definitions like the right sense of judgement...and the likes which are all true but only to an extent.

Don't worry "strength" find its way into the discussion😂

True and deep wisdom has its source. Naturally, love births wisdom. Anything you love you develop wisdom towards that thing. If you love cooking for example you will develop wisdom towards cooking. 

Since God is love(see 1 John 4:8) then wisdom comes from God. He alone give true wisdom. If God gives true wisdom then there will definitely be counterfeit wisdom. But authentic wisdom comes from God.

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding works together and are closely knitted. It is difficult to talk about one of them without referring to the other but wisdom is their head.

Wisdom tells you what to do, how to do it and when it do it. Wisdom determines the level of strength to be applied at any given time. A strong man depends on his strength but falls into the trap of a wise man.

Proverbs 24:5 says this "A wise man is mightier than a strong man, and a man of knowledge is more powerful than a strong man." [NLT]

Which is better wisdom or strength? You might say wisdom but both is better and God is the giver of them both. How can a man get wisdom? By asking God. 

A strong man makes a boast of his strength and be little the wise, like David and Goliath. David was wise enough to seek the source of true wisdom and guess what? strength followed! The strong man was defeated. 

You will continue to experience defeat in life if you trust in your wisdom and ability and not in God. But you will excel in life if God is your guide. 

A simple definition of wisdom is viewing life in God's perspective. 

As simple as this is it will sustain you, keep you, bring you before the great, make you great, honor you, lift you e.t.c. All this and more will be yours if you embrace the true wisdom that comes from God. 

The wisdom of God is in his word: the greatest book in the world. He who finds wisdom finds a precious thing, he who is wise will not seek strength alone, a true strong man is a man that trust in God and not in his might. I rest my case here 

This is weekend, think on these things. I wish you the best God has for you. Thank you for reading through, I love you and God's love for you is greater. 

The next time I will see you on  the other side of the screen, I know I will see a wiser and stronger you. 

Till next time! ❣️


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