
Showing posts from October, 2023


 Hello there! It's me showing my face again after a long time. Well I have been off because....let us get to the point. Imagine how attentive you were 😂 On a serious note Many people ask this question out of frustration: 'why do bad things happen to good people?' Some go as far as saying 'why me?' Especially when they have done all the right things and yet things still go south. Before I start raising any point the first thing you should note is bad things happen to everyone and everyone at least once in a while have a bad time. However here are some points to shed more light on this: ◾GOD IS GOOD The average person has heard this a dozen time but yet many people still tend to blame God when things go wrong in their lives. Aside the fact that our decisions bear consequences we should also know that God is not involved in anything evil because he is good. God is not the orchestrator of evil it is the devil. A perfect example is the story of Job indeed Satan took p