
Showing posts from January, 2021


 Hello guys, last week was an awesome time. Am confident all things are working for your good all through the week. Today also comes with a special and personal blessing. Today is for you, it is about you, are you ready?🤗 Let us hit the nail in the head. There are different types of enemies, enemies that are not close but are attacking effectively from a distance, enemies from one's background( back here in Nigeria we call them " village people "🤣).  But the type of enemy we are considering today is an enemy that is  closer to you than the cloth you are putting on, that enemy follows you everywhere you go. Some of the tangible problems that we have are not mostly caused by the enemy without, some are mostly caused are caused by the enemy within. Who is this enemy within? I know you must be angry at this fellow, who is eating you up from within. Today we receive freedom and victory, finally freedom is here Hallelujah!!! The enemy within is YOU . Well, I know you are wond


 Hello friends! I am quite sure you are having a wonderful day, you are welcome to today's write up inspired by the Holy Spirit. I actually wanted to write something else but the Holy Spirit told me to leave that for next week, which means he has a special blessing for us today.. Now to today's discussion, when we talk about situations, problems, hard times, terrible times, painful times and so on like that... We  take them as a time   of hurt, to the extent that when we remember them we tend to be sad. Well, it shouldn't be that way, you might want to ask why? It is because of what God says about you in his word he says    " we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28.   There are two categories of people whom God has assured that even in bad situations it will turn out well for them. Before that, just incase you don't fully understand what I mean by ALL THINGS  HAPP

IMPATIENT WAITING (waiting but I can't wait)

 Hello there! I hope and know  you are doing? Trust you had a nice day? Today we will be looking at something that is affecting the lives of many and their relationship with God. When God says he will do something and he has promised that he will do it and then the time of manifestation has taken a little too long and it feels like God is a liar, what should I do?  This question might be bothering your mind, well if I am to advise you, what I will say is wait. Why wait?! Because those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up  Waiting on God is something that God expects from people. It is a test from God to test people when they are about to get promoted and lifted to the their next level of glory. During the process of test most people fail and end up in hardship. As a child of God when you are going through a hard time you should be conscious of the reality that all things works together for your good In the reality of knowing this, you should therefore