Hello friends! I am quite sure you are having a wonderful day, you are welcome to today's write up inspired by the Holy Spirit. I actually wanted to write something else but the Holy Spirit told me to leave that for next week, which means he has a special blessing for us today..

Now to today's discussion, when we talk about situations, problems, hard times, terrible times, painful times and so on like that... We  take them as a time   of hurt, to the extent that when we remember them we tend to be sad. Well, it shouldn't be that way, you might want to ask why? It is because of what God says about you in his word he says    "we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. 

There are two categories of people whom God has assured that even in bad situations it will turn out well for them. Before that, just incase you don't fully understand what I mean by ALL THINGS  HAPPENS FOR YOUR GOOD. Let us consider the story of Job. 

Job was a very wealthy man, with a beautiful wife and wonderful children. He was also a friend of God, with all this things you can say he is free from troubles and problems right? 

At least God got his back. But to the greatest surprise this man lost all his children in one day, all his wealth and business also got burnt the same day.

Job himself became terribly sick with boils all over every single part of his body. His  wife did not die, God preserved her (because the wife of a man is his  life). This man did not because of this incident commit suicide and conclude that: this is the end. He kept on worshipping God. After some years, Job had the most beautiful children in the whole town and his wealth became twice the former.

Why and how was he able to do this? It is revealed in the word, the two category of people who all things works well for them whether good or bad.

The first category of people are those who love God. When we talk about love, it  is a beautiful thing, it is a beautiful experience to be in love with God. Because the moment you truly love God from your heart, he will love you back. Love is more or less like respect "it is reciprocal", That is why God himself said in his word that "I love them that love me" Proverbs 8:17

When you love something you tend to protect it with all your might and strength. That is what happens when God loves you. Jesus himself said   "he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." John 14:21. 

This means God almighty himself will visit you constantly, you don't have to be a pastor to carry God's presence just love God. When I mean you are in love with God, I  mean you are ready to sacrifice a lot for God and yet worship him. Abraham loved God, because of  this he was ready to kill(sacrifice) his only son Isaac for God." 

To love God means being ready to give and let go of your all for him including family. Job our main Bible  character here   
also loved God, that was why God protected him and told the devil not to touch his life. 

1 Corinthians 13:7 talks about a characteristics of love  "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." NLT. This was found in Job, he really loved God. God allowed his love - Job to pass through all that just to get him to a higher ground

We are expected to love God with 'all' our heart as Jesus instructed us "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Matthew 22:37
Do you love God?

The second category of people are those who are living in God's purpose for their lives. Every thing created by God has a specific purpose, God is a God of purpose. If he created trees and other living creations  for a particular purpose, then you are created for a unique purpose. He created you in his image after all. God says this for you in  Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee" 
God knows you sir, God knows you ma.

The reason why precious Gold passes through tough intense heat is to bring out the beauty in it. It is not enough to be known by God, it is better to know God! When you know God, you will know how he thinks, how he feels, what he wants and so on. Not just that only, the word of God tells us in "Daniel 11:32 that   the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." 

Know who you are, know who God created you to be : then you will receive strength to pass every temptation and trial, and  God will bring the situation to your favor. 

If you know who you are in God congratulations but if not right now look up to God and ask him who am I in you? You can pray this also, with the assurance of his response. A man without purpose ends up being idle and an Idle man is the devil's workshop. If the devil is still dealing with you it is probably because you have not known your purpose yet.

But nevertheless the good news is that deliverance is here just pray and tell God to show you who you are in him and after he has shown you all the terrible things the devil made you go through will serve as experience to keep you strong from mistakes. Can you see it is really good to know God. In conclusion you are not born without purpose, don't live like you are!

Thanks for taking your time to read through today, please remember to like, comment and share this God bless you! The next post from Luminous charge will be next week Friday come ready for another enlightening round of blessing. Till Friday sir's and ma's. Stay blessed! Byeeeeeeeeee👋👋👋


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