

  Hello friends!  Guess what time it is? It is birthday o'clock. God has been faithful all these years. I am writing this blog mainly for two reasons; first is because today is my birthday and I got the inspiration for it and secondly is because I have seen the obvious curiosity in the eyes of many people about really knowing me. So if you think you know me you might want to check these points out to confirm. Let's get into it. #1 I LOVE PEOPLE BUT I AM QUITE A SHY PERSON Some people assume that because I don't talk to people that means that I am proud. Not at all, I actually love to interact with people but to me it is really tough but not to worry I am overcoming that already. If you approach me and you feel like I don't care about you and you leave offended then know that at that point I felt it and if I could hug, kneel down and beg you I will do just that. If you are reading this know that I love you and I mean it. If you know me well, you will surely know me as th


  Hello fam! It is another beautiful day to write to your amazing face on the other side of the screen. It is 7 days to my birthday and I will be releasing the special blog next week Friday(MAY 17). Ensure you don't miss it. It is amazing to see how serious people can be when things get tough. Although some break and give up at that point but many others put in more energy. In the same sense people have different response to easy seasons of life. After struggling for a long time and then a man experience a major breakthrough it is quite understandable that it seem normal to relax and rest but is this right? Answer for yourself. It is important not to relax after a victory but to create more battle strategies for future fight. The reason many get caught unaware by situations in life is because they were not prepared for it.  It is true always that "it is while men slept that the enemy plant thorns among the wheat". Maybe you just hit your long time goal or you passed your


  Hello fam! Thank God it's Friday!😁😌 It is quite surprising that I have not been hearing 'April fool' often even though we are in the month of April, I guess everyone is busy with life πŸ˜‚ On a serious note, I am sure you have heard this statement 'life no balance' People say this when things get tough and rough especially when it is so messed up like there is no solution, sometimes when things don't go according to plan or schedule. People say it for different reasons in different times however there is one general cause for this statement. And that is all summed up in one word ' PURPOSE '. Looks like a big complex thing but it is actually not that complex. Don't get me wrong now, everyone has a big purpose on this earth but that big purposes has been simplified into days, weeks, months and years. Each individual has one purpose. Once an individual finds that purpose backed up with vision then such person finds peace and fulfilment. You are not


  Hello fam!  How is your day going? Today's topic is an interesting one because the truth is a topic many don't like to talk about, some say the truth is bitter and yes! many times it is difficult to express the truth in some situations. You will agree with me that it is easier to go for lies under pressure.  By the way this blog should have been out few weeks back but I had some challenges publishing it.  So before we journey further, what does it mean to lie? In any case whatsoever; lying is presenting falsehood. Many people find it easy and some use it as a way of wisdom, some even beautify this act by giving it names like: white lie Is lying bad? To answer this question you first have to understand that the truth beyond an act of integrity and honesty it is a person. Yes! The truth is a person.  Jesus speaking in John 14:6 introduces himself as the truth. If the truth is a person then surely lie too should have its identity right? πŸ€” Let's check it out: John 8:44 giv


 Good day to you from whatever time you are reading this! On the last blog we established few points about why bad things happen to good people, if you haven't read it do so now. Today, we take a step further to study the purpose of why bad things happening to good people in some cases. Can bad things be ever purposeful? Well, the answer is yes. How? Let us look into it. I am sure you must have heard this statement “no story, no glory" When you study the life of many great people today you will discover people who have gone through things in their lives. Both people in the word of God and people in the world today. Every person you are celebrating today has their story of low days. The stronger the story the more desirable the glory.  Take your time to write your story, your life is your story don't waste it. Don't because of impatience abort the glory ahead, your life will be a great inspiration to many in the future.  All the tears, the pain, the lack all of it is


 Hello there! It's me showing my face again after a long time. Well I have been off because....let us get to the point. Imagine how attentive you were πŸ˜‚ On a serious note Many people ask this question out of frustration: 'why do bad things happen to good people?' Some go as far as saying 'why me?' Especially when they have done all the right things and yet things still go south. Before I start raising any point the first thing you should note is bad things happen to everyone and everyone at least once in a while have a bad time. However here are some points to shed more light on this: ◾GOD IS GOOD The average person has heard this a dozen time but yet many people still tend to blame God when things go wrong in their lives. Aside the fact that our decisions bear consequences we should also know that God is not involved in anything evil because he is good. God is not the orchestrator of evil it is the devil. A perfect example is the story of Job indeed Satan took p

Wisdom vs Strength

  What is wisdom?,is it just ability to place the right judgement or is there more to it?, how does a man get wisdom?, who is a wise man? and who is a strong man?, this and many more will be answered in this short reading. Enjoy as you read through.  I have realized that  a man of wisdom is valued in the society, a man of wisdom escapes many trouble and traps set for him. He excels in all his work and maximizes his time.  He increases in knowledge and his understanding is not stagnant either. Wisdom has many interesting definitions like the right sense of judgement...and the likes which are all true but only to an extent. Don't worry "strength" find its way into the discussionπŸ˜‚ True and deep wisdom has its source. Naturally, love births wisdom. Anything you love you develop wisdom towards that thing. If you love cooking for example you will develop wisdom towards cooking.  Since God is love(see 1 John 4:8) then wisdom comes from God. He alone give true wisdom. If God giv