Good day fellas!

It's a wonderful Friday again, thank God for life🙏

It is true that everyday comes with expectations but ends with a lesson.Those expectations are the desire to achieve something and that thing has not been achieved yet because of the level of MASTERY has not been attained.

These lessons that we learn daily are the gateway to mastery, that is why failing is a stepping stone to success.

Failing your  success is not the end of the journey, it is only the beginning.

Because that is the way to reach the level of mastery.

                          "I never fail, I either win or learn"

                                       ~Nelson Mandela

While some are viewing their inability to achieve a certain goal as failing another person is viewing it as learning. When you think you have failed you can give up and quit. But when you are learning you know that quitters never win the race

Never give up! 

When you win you have achieved your goal, when you lose don't stop because it is an opportunity to learn how to gain mastery.

No wonder the moment you stop learning you start dieing

What then is mastery?

Mastery is simply the ability to do difficult things easily. The stage of mastery takes consistent practice and an ever learning heart.

Don't take this slightly because this is how unforgettable great men are made. When we look at history we see a series of inventions. 

Car was invented 1886 by a German inventor Karl Benz. With this then the technology of movement and transportation changed and it became faster. This did not happen in a daytime, it took consistent practice and diligent learning. 

As there was also an invention in the back ground something that could fly was given a thought of its possibility. After lots of studying and failing which is learning the aeroplane or airplane was invented in year 1903 by the Wright Brothers. 

Dare to dream, no matter how big it is! It is achievable if you don't give up or stop by the way. The key word is consistency

Mastery differentiates a person from many people. In a class, the students are given a class work in Mathematics that should take at least 5 minute because of how complex te question is for their level.

But,  within 1 minute  a student solves it and he looks like there is something else behind that student. Yes there is! It is mastery.

Mastery makes a person produce an herculean task with results within ill a short period of time, mastery makes result appear faster than usual.

Strive to attain mastery in everything.

How  mastery works. Let us review that briefly :-

1. BY CONSISTENT PRACTICE :- This takes hardwork and commitment, to get to the position of mastery is never easy.

Denzel Washington in his own words said and I quote :

"Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. Without commitment you will never start but more importantly without consistency you will never finish. It's not easy, if it was easy there would be no KERRY WASHINGTON, if it was easy there would be no TARAJI HENSON, if it was easy there would be no OCTAVICE SPENCER but not only that, if it was easy there would be no VIOLA DAVIS, if it was easy there would be no MICHEAL T WILLIAMS, no STEVEN MCKINLEY HENDERSON, no RUSSELL HORNSBY, if it was easy there would be no DENZEL WASHINGTON"

Mastery requires all of you.

2. BY GROWING IN TIME : mastery takes time even years. For a person to gain mastery in education he has to pass through Primary school, to the secondary level and then tertiary level. All these levels requires at least 5 years each. 

After all these then the person goes for masters, having a masters degree is not the end, after this doctorate degree and then the person becomes a professor over the years. This process takes more that 12 years.

This is just an practical illustration of how mastery is downloaded. All those years can be wasted if consistency, commitment, hardwork and diligence is not applied.

There are some certain things that kills mastery in a man and one of them is :-

 COMPLACENCY :- The theory of self satisfaction, it kills growth and brings an assumption that say "this is all there can ever be. It is a lie!" 

The reality is the best is yet to come. Mastery takes stepping out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is a place of pleasure, a place of ease and

this place blinds the eyes of its victim to know why he must let go of that pleasure of relaxing and satisfaction.

A negative effects of those in their comfort zone is that they envy those who are working or manifesting mastery consciously or unconsciously.

Success is good and at the same time can be dangerous. Because when you over celebrate success you can not achieve the next one. Study the lives of champions once they win they rests a little and start practicing for the next one. 

Stay focused, I remind you again the best is yet to come. 

Thanks for reading through, God bless you. Evidence that you are attaining mastery is that you will apply what you just learnt. I love you and God loves you more see you next week Friday byeeeeeeeeee👋👋👋👋👋


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