
Showing posts from May, 2022

Once I was a child...

Children are wonderful and Unique God's creation. They  are free, innocent, honest, and apt to learn, they carry potentials in them. They are special, precious and God's gift to men. Of course every great man today was once a child, every mature person was once immature, every bold person was once a scared child. So being a child is a time or season no man can escape. People overlook some of their behaviors and talks sometimes because they know their  nature. So what lesson can we learn from children or that season of childhood? There are many lessons we can Learn from them. And one cogent lesson we must learn in comparism to life is that every big achievement start small. With  how true this is, many people wants to get to the top without climbing from the bottom. And  so they try short cuts, there is this saying "no short cut to success" yes it is true but I can also tell you that they are deadly cuts to success. Those who follow short cut don't last. Just


  When I say people are watching; I don't by anyway mean you have some set of spies who monitor your every movement. No! No! No! The people who are watching are made up of the people you know and relate with, some you don't know, those in your neighborhood, your teachers, those in your place of worship e.t.c. Some behabiours that you think you are hiding are actually open, in most cases both you and the people are just acting not to know anything. This is why it is important to be real and open to correction.  Do you know you have secret mentees? following your every action. And sometimes we dissapoint them and discourage them by our actions. You have eyes everywhere who know you so well, you just wait until something really spectacular happens to you and you will see every one of them saying one thing or the other about you and some affirming to it.  Can I be honest with you? Not only are people  watching you here on earth but also from heaven. You might be like: what?!, reall

How can I overcome sin?

Hello yo! Greetings from this side. It's really been a while, we apologize for the long silence. Sometimes it is just necessary or inevitable but anyways we are back! Let start shall we? Sin can be given many meanings or definitions but a simple definition of sin is transgression of the law. Sin was introduced by disobedience to God's commandment and instruction given to the first men (Adam and Eve) and eversince sin has been present in the world amongst men and in men. After the fall of man, men lived in sin carrying a sinful nature from their father(Adam). Although substitutionary means of dealing with sin was provided through the blood of animals but it was never enough for sin grew stronger in men.  God later gave some certain commandments to be followed strictly but this law gave sin more power because the result for breaking them was condemnation.  So man was in a miserable state in sin and its bonding power producing death. Years later Jesus came in the flesh and di