Once I was a child...

Children are wonderful and Unique God's creation. They  are free, innocent, honest, and apt to learn, they carry potentials in them.
They are special, precious and God's gift to men.

Of course every great man today was once a child, every mature person was once immature, every bold person was once a scared child. So being a child is a time or season no man can escape.
People overlook some of their behaviors and talks sometimes because they know their  nature.

So what lesson can we learn from children or that season of childhood? There are many lessons we can Learn from them.
And one cogent lesson we must learn in comparism to life is that every big achievement start small.

With  how true this is, many people wants to get to the top without climbing from the bottom. And  so they try short cuts, there is this saying "no short cut to success" yes it is true but I can also tell you that they are deadly cuts to success.

Those who follow short cut don't last. Just imagine for a moment an adult without all the experiences that childhood and being an adoloscence  brings. Such an adult can almost not be called  an adult but an old person. Why? Because that person does not have what it takes to be an adult. 

Never neglect your childhood seasons and experiences because they are a major part of you so also is your small beginnings , those days when no one knows you. These  are days to learn and grow, they are days to gather what will make you great. 

Another thing you should also note is that those little days carry potentials, I mean mighty potentials full of possibilities.

It takes a process to manifest these potentials, study anything or anyone that is  great and mighty today. They all began as nothing but became something too valuable to be ignored.

A beautiful example that I will like to use is the mustard seed.  Luke 13:19 "It is like a tiny mustard seed planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds come and find shelter among its branches."(NLT)

This is the same way men will travel from all over the world to meet you when you truly grow. A big question to you dear reader, what are you becoming?, what value are you building?, are you growing?

There is a big difference between growing up and growing old? Growing old means you are aging, your age is increasing, growing up means you are increasing in value, you are adding up.

It is important to grow up as you grow old because everyone is growing old everyday but not everyone is growing up and that is what makes the difference in people.

Just as children are gifts those little days are gifts given to you and that gift is precious. How? In a four  letter  word TIME!. You will agree with me that every child have time very well not like adult who are mostly busy.

You have the time to grow, learn, make mistake and evolve to a better version of yourself. The worst mistake you can make is waste that time thinking nothing good can come out of it.

Time does not wait, it is priceless, it is money, it can bring wealth if used properly.

You reading now might be like a nobody now don't let that discourage you, the fact that you failed does not make you a failure. You have great days ahead, don't skip the process for it will make you, grow until the potentials and possibilities in you manifest to your world and finally use the time(gift) given to you well for it determines everything.

I want to specially greet you on this special day. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!

I love you and God loves you more! ♥️💕


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