When I say people are watching; I don't by anyway mean you have some set of spies who monitor your every movement. No! No! No!

The people who are watching are made up of the people you know and relate with, some you don't know, those in your neighborhood, your teachers, those in your place of worship e.t.c.

Some behabiours that you think you are hiding are actually open, in most cases both you and the people are just acting not to know anything. This is why it is important to be real and open to correction. 

Do you know you have secret mentees? following your every action. And sometimes we dissapoint them and discourage them by our actions. You have eyes everywhere who know you so well, you just wait until something really spectacular happens to you and you will see every one of them saying one thing or the other about you and some affirming to it. 

Can I be honest with you? Not only are people  watching you here on earth but also from heaven. You might be like: what?!, really?

But  it's true. Those who ran the race before you are also watching you and are watching your every step. They are happy when you are doing well and are earnestly waiting for you to rise when you are down.

You will see how many people that will welcome you when you get there, so don't you ever make the mistake of thinking you are alone.

This past Tuesday was my birthday and I expected just a little celebration from few of my friends and family. But to my greatest surprise I was shocked to see how many people turned out to celebrate me.

I am very grateful for their prayers and beautiful wishes but I also learnt a significant lesson from their messages.

Some messages were just normal but some expressed their heart deeply. And in this, I saw some things about my self that they had noticed or watched.

Watch what people say about you even when joking because sometimes the truth is revealed in jokes. People don't just want to be your friend because you look good they must have seen something in you that attracted them.

This is something even you do, everyone does it. So live your life with caution.
Some are awaiting your downfall so they can say "I said it"

So please let us be careful of how we talk, behave and so on. Do you know many people would have gone far beyond their present level? Just that when that favor came it asked for their record from some one and that person gave it negative report.

This is just my little advice and observation.

Didn't know I will be able to put my self together to write this piece but thank God!

I have been so occupied this week.
Before you go, I have a little gift for you.
It's a book titled Attitude is everything by Jeff Keller. You can message me on whatsapp to get your pdf copy(09071246919)

Thank you for your time♥️
I love you 🌹 and God loves you more. 💕


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