How can I overcome sin?

Hello yo!

Greetings from this side.

It's really been a while, we apologize for the long silence. Sometimes it is just necessary or inevitable but anyways we are back!

Let start shall we?
Sin can be given many meanings or definitions but a simple definition of sin is transgression of the law.

Sin was introduced by disobedience to God's commandment and instruction given to the first men (Adam and Eve) and eversince sin has been present in the world amongst men and in men.

After the fall of man, men lived in sin carrying a sinful nature from their father(Adam). Although substitutionary means of dealing with sin was provided through the blood of animals but it was never enough for sin grew stronger in men. 

God later gave some certain commandments to be followed strictly but this law gave sin more power because the result for breaking them was condemnation. 

So man was in a miserable state in sin and its bonding power producing death. Years later Jesus came in the flesh and died for the sin of mankind and finally brought victory over sin and its laws of death. 

If we therefore now have victory over sin and its laws why then are some people still under sin? 
Some are under the power of sin because they have vehemently refused to accept the deliverance that Jesus has presented to the world, some others have accepted this deliverance but have refused to walk in it. 

Either ways sin will have its way, but he who has not accepted this offer Jesus is presenting has a greater disadvantage. 

When the first men fell three things was birthed. 

i. Sin ii. Sinful nature(the old man) iii. The body of sin. 

Romans 6:6 reveals this clearly. These three has different functions; sin is what we know today to be the root of sin, the old man is that Adamic nature deposited in man, the body of sin is the body that execute the lust and passion of sin.

When Jesus died he didn't just die like that he took sin along with him and that nature of sin with him so that those who will accept him will die to their sin and sinful nature.

It is like this, we were inside Jesus when he died. But how then can we enjoy this freedom? Before I answer that we must understand that this freedom is for only those in Jesus.

Sin is not meant to have dominion over us who are christ Jesus. If sin is still manifesting its power this can be the cause and solution to it:

1. Believing that Jesus we died in Jesus and are alive in him: It is that simple but not that easy. The actions you take in your oneness with the Holy spirit is what makes this a reality.

What I am saying simply is that; the  old man and the body of sin must die for you to have dominion over sin. Some people know this but use the wrong approach. Speaking of death, you have been crucified already that is what the word of God says but to manifest it requires your believing and obedience to the Holy spirit.

Many try to die to the flesh by setting rules or trying to discipline their flesh, and by so doing they have little victory and many defeats. They have try every technique they know but have yielded no fruitful result. You have to understand that you are not the one doing the dieing, Jesus has done that your duty is to work with the Holy spirit to manifest it. This is what death to the flesh is.

When you body is dead to sin, it does not mean sin is no longer present but your body no longer responds to it as it was enslaved before. By dieing to the flesh you come alive to God.

2. Avoid sin.

Obey the word and run away from sin. Any relationship with sin can cause its enslaving power.
The body can still react to sin so strictly avoid it.

This is the part where consecration steps in, you must give yourself self up for God so he can direct and lead you for it is whoever is leading you that is your God at the time. Sin or God

We must daily practice the act of abiding in him because we can't survive outside of him.
We must ensure our consecration in him is unspotted and we must be sensitive to his voice.

I pray that God will open your eyes to the revelation of this. I really hope this blessed you.
This is the little I have to share, for word reference you can read Romans 6,7 and 8 and Galatians 2:20.

Thanks for reading,

I love you and God loves you more. 💖
Bye for now. 


  1. Absolutely amazing .
    Thank you for shedding light on this subject sir.
    God bless you.


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