

Habits are behaviors that we do regularly mostly subconsciously and sometimes consciously whether good or bad, habits are also those little decisions you take everyday that later convert to actions.

Because habits appear as little decisions we don't pay attention to them meanwhile they make a major part of our lives. They contribute so much to our life to the extent that they are the reason we are in the position we are in  today.

It is therefore important that we take conscious effort in the kind of habits we make and exude in our lives. Every unsuccessful person has their habits, every intelligent man has their habits, every failure has their habits too.

Your behavior is simply  the way your conduct yourself.

Since habits have so much effects in our lives. I will briefly discuss with us three areas that we must have good habits. There are many other areas but I believe these areas are key in anyone's life.

1️⃣  Healthy habits: I will list this in three categories namely;

⏺️Mental health
⏺️Bodily health
⏺️Financial health.

🎯 Your mental health deals with your thoughts and mindset. "As you think in your heart so you are", your thoughts is a major influencer of your decisions. Before any habit can be birthed it has to go through your mind first. 

What determines your thinking is what you allow into your mind by what you hear and see. If there is any part of you that you should guide with serious caution that part is your mind. Your mind determines how your view and review life. 

So you must keep it healthy by reading books that will build you to a better version of your self, listening to great and brilliant minds, watching wonderful videos that will challange you to do better than you are doing now. 

🎯 Your bodily health talks about your body, how you take care of your body; What you eat, how well you sleep, how often you exercise and so on. Water is something that will keep you healthy. Drink water as often as you can, eat good food, avoid junks. 

Be moderate in your sleeping, and don't take too much of sleep from yourself. Take time to rest, take time to exercise to burn unnecessary things in your body. All these are very important. Don't just eat anyhow, ensure you maintain a clean environment and be clean yourself. 

These things are beautiful habits for a good health, practice them! 

🎯  Your financial life of course speaks of your finances. I want to share a financial principle with you that will really help you. For every income you receive use 70% for whatever you want to do, 20% for saving and 10% for God. 

Avoid overspending on unnecessary things. Stop comparing yourself to others, learn to invest but before you invest watch what amd where  you invest in. 

Pay the price to learn, don't depend on your rich parents or friends. Don't just wait for something free to come, there is a price for everything great in life, build your mind for it is your mind that will make you rich and stay rich not your money. 

2️⃣ Success habits: One characteristics of this habit is its consciousness of time. Some habits you should not allow in your life is: laziness, procrastination, idleness and the likes. 

What do you spend most of your time on?, When it comes to growth how do you react?. One of the major difference between you and that person you admire is how the time is spent. 

Practical things to do: challenge your self, set goals like daily goals, if you don't achieve your goals learn why you didn't achieve it and work on it. 

3️⃣ Relational habits: what this is taking about is very simple, it is how you relate with people, talk to people, your behavior towards people. One thing you must learn is to respect and honor everyone no matter their age or size. 

Some people might annoy you, yes! Respect them anyways. It's a beautiful habit that can take you to places in life. Don't look down on anyone. 

Remember habits are little decisions that become actions. Habit can be difficult to change but can be changed. To change an habit, you have to replace it with the desired one. 

For example overspending can be replaced with saving. Change your habits and change your life. 

This was written for you so you can become a better person this month. I pray for you that God will help you become a better you this month. 

I love you and God loves you even more! 💕💖


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